Requirements for the new mtn simpleserver cheat working with 20 naira
1. at least a credit balance of 20 naira
2. simpleserver
3. a correct mtn sim
How To Activate Mtn Daily Unlimited Browsing Plan with 20 naira
- You must have up to 20naira on your mtn sim.
- Then navigate to message and text OK to 7801
- You'll receive a welcome message from mtn. you can choose to read if you wish. me i dont care for those.
Now, navigate to your phone settings and locate your APN and set
set up apn (modifying existing mtn apn or adding a new one)
- Apn:
- Proxy:
- Port: 8080
and save it
SimpleServer Configuration for mtn 20 naira cheat
Proxy host:
Proxy Port: 8080
Injection Method: get
Injection querry/url: http://mtnng.appplus-
Injection Host: mtnng.appplus-
Injection line: press your enter key 4 times
Buffer size: 8092
concurrent connection:10
Log level: debug
Now, click on the start button and start browsing and downloading.
Welcome to Music night
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