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Policeman allegedly beat akure politician to death

A 50-year old female politician, Mrs. RonkeAdelugba, was on Sunday night allegedly beatento death in her house in Akure, the Ondo Statecapital, by policemen who allegedly invaded herhouse in search of a suspected criminal.The woman, who was until her death the WomanLeader of the Accord Party (AP) in Ward5, AkureSouth Local Government Area, was allegedly hitwith a gun butt and beaten by two of the sevenpolicemen who came to her house after anargument with her.The seven policemen, who came in a white policeHilux van with registration umber NPF 4236 B,had stormed the house located at No. 1,Akinyemi Street, off Ijoka Road, Akure, aftersearching a nearby bush for some boys believedto be smoking Indian hemp in the area.Unable to find anybody in the bush, the policemen then headed to Mrs. Adelugba’s house to see if the boys were hiding there.However, an argument ensued, with Mrs. Adelugba insisting that only her own children were in her three bedroom house.Insisting that she would not let her children bearrested without any explanation or warrant, MrsAdelugba was shoved, beaten and hit with agunbutt and in the process slumped and died.The policemen then allegedly fled the scene afterthe residents of the area gathered but the residents later carried the lifeless body of thewoman to the Ala Police Station where the policemen came from



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